Tube Joint Stretching Machine
The Machine had been designed to check the joint of Tyre Tubes by testing the tightness and evenness of the joined ends.
General DescriptionThe machine consists of a supporting Sheet-Plate Frame and Welded Channels to which the Feeding Heads and the Control Pistons (Cylinders) are fixed.The Pistons (Cylinders) enable the opening and closing of the Locking Clamps as well as the moving apart and approaching movement of the Jaws.The Machine is equipped with Electric Drives consisting of 4 relays and one Timer (0 to 20 Sec.) The latter is provided with instantaneous contact and with a Pneumatic Drive consisting of 3 Solenoid Valves for Pistons (Cylinders) Control.The Machine is also provided with a Mirror and a Lamp for inspection of lower part of the Tube which enable the operator to check the joint on the both sides.
When the Machine is at rest position, Pincers are open and Jaws are closed.After depositing the Tube on the Pincers Plane, the Operator pushes Two Cycle Push Buttons at the same time using both hands therefore ensuring safety.When the Pincers are closed, the Run Limit Switch excites the Solenoid Valve and the corresponding Piston (Cylinder) thus spreading apart the Jaws.The other Run Limit Switch switches-on the flood concentrating Lamp.The Machine remains with closed Pincers and switched-on Lamp for a certain period of time set by the Relay Timer.During said period the operator will check the conditions of the Splice and Judge its quality.After the preset time, the Lamp switches off and Jaws come back to the initial Position and the Pincers open out thereafter the inspected Tube can be removed and the Cycle is repeated.The Machine is now ready to start another cycle.
A pedal and a mushroom button have been provided to stop the cycle at any time.
Owing to safety reasons the push buttons that start cycle must be pushed at the same time with both hands and remain pushed till the jaws will spread apart.
Performance parameter of tube joint stretching machine
» Pincers are opened and Jaws are closed when the Inspection Machine is at rest position.
» The Operator keeps the Inner Tube on the Pincer’s plane and switches ‘ON’ the cycle Push Button.
» The Pincers are closed and Jaws are spreading apart and switches ‘ON’ the Concentrating Lamp.
» Closed Spincers, spreaded Jaws and Switched ‘ON’ Lamp will remain for set time only with the help of Relay Timer.
» During this set period Operator has to check the condition of the Splice and judge it’s quality.
» When the set time is over the Lamp switches ‘OFF’, Jaws are closed and Pincers opens.
» The Machine is now ready to start another cycle.